What Is A MagnaCleanse?

After reading this article you should understand what a MagnaCleanse is (central heating flushing system) and why you might want to have a MagnaClean (filter) installed in your home. We will also supply an idea of costs.


MagnaCleanse logo

Quite a lot of people have heard about the MagnaCleanse central heating flushing system – and its partner, the MagnaClean filter – and we are finding that our technicians are increasingly being asked about it.

The point of the MagnaCleanse is to rid your central heating system of iron oxide sludge (rust) that builds up inside radiators.

Once the system has been cleansed it stays clean, due to the MagnaClean (filter) that  is installed first; before the cleansing operation takes place.

The Advantages of Cleaning Your Central Heating System

We presented another article a little while back on the perils of oxidation, but the key points about ridding your central heating system of rust are that you achieve the following:

  • Removing extensive build-up of rust within radiators, makes them hotter and more efficient.
  • Radiators are easier to heat, so energy bills are reduced by up to 6% per annum, on average.
  • The reduction in sludge circulating in the system results in 30% fewer breakdowns in the system (boiler damage).
  • For the eco-warriors amongst us, the carbon footprint of the system is improved and emissions from the system reduce by up to 200-300kg per year/household.

Figures supplied by the MagnaClean manufacturer, Adey

MagnaClean System Basics

The MagnaClean system has been developed by a company called Adey and it operates using two main components, as follows:

  1. A magnetic filter (MagnaClean filter) that is permanently fitted near to your boiler (on the heating return pipe) to catch sludge as it passes through the system.
  2. A MagnaCleanse, which is a powerful magnet within a ‘swill chamber’ that a technician will come along and fit temporarily. With the MagnaCleanse in place he uses a device called an agitator (A.K.A. VibraClean – see picture, below) to shake, rattle and roll the radiators – for around 15-30 seconds each; thus shifting sludge out to the MagnaCleanse where it is disposed.
Technician using a vibraClean

The Vibraclean is used to vibrate the radiator and shake the rust loose.

Often, a MagnaClean filter is fitted when you have your annual boiler service (killing two birds with one stone) – though they can be fitted at any time in the life of your central heating system. If you don’t have one we highly recommend that you acquire one.

These days we never fit a boiler without installing a MagnaClean at the same time. It does not make sense to fit a vital, new piece of expensive equipment in your home (a boiler) without putting this excellent protection in place. The MagnaClean is a new standard for a good quality heating system; we see it as vital for extending the life of your boiler and for saving money in the longer term.

At the same time as the MagnaClean filter is fitted the technician will perform the MagnaCleanse operation to flush out the system.

Magnacleanse filter with rust particles

The MagnaCleanse filter before and after attracting rust particles

Operation And Maintenance

The MagnaClean Magnetic Filter
Once you have the MagnaClean filter installed it protects the system by catching rust particles that flow around the system.

This filter protects the boiler; thus reducing breakdowns in the most expensive part of the system, and it prevents build up of iron oxide sludge in the radiators that would otherwise make them less efficient.

Usually, the visiting technician will anticipate showing you how to clean the filter (it should be done at least annually). However, although this job is designed to be user friendly, it does involve operating a couple of small valves and using a special spanner that is supplied with the filter. For this reason we find that many customers prefer to leave filter cleaning to us when we come to service their boiler.

We stress that this is not a difficult job, though, and a quick search on Youtube will yield a number if demonstrations of how to do this – such as this one from manufacturer, Adey.

The MagnaCleanse Operation
Before the MagnaClean filter is permanently installed the technician will use the MagnaCleanse equipment in its place to flush rust out of the system, as follows:

With the heating system on, water is swirled past a strong magnet in the MagnaCleanse equipment. The magnet is positioned in what is known as the ‘swill chamber.’

Whilst the water is being pumped around the system and swirling past the magnet in the swill chamber the technician visits every radiator, in turn, and vibrates them for a few seconds each, using a device known as an agitator (or Vibraclean – see picture, above).

The MagnaCleanse installed where the filter will eventually go

The MagnaCleanse installed where the filter will eventually go

By causing the radiators to vibrate in this way the rust in the radiators is perturbed and joins the general flow of water out to the swill chamber, where it is captured by the MagnaCleanse magnet.

The process of flushing water past the swill chamber in the MagnaCleanse unit can be a whole day process. In some very old, dirty systems we have left the MagnaCleanse unit running on site for up to three days in order to fully flush the system, but this is rare. Often we can fit the MagnaClean filter and do the cleansing in 2-3 hours.

Once the flushing has been completed, the filter is installed in place of the MagnaCleanse and, thereafter, only the filter needs to be cleaned, annually  – which need not involve a visit from a technician. See paragraph above, in blue.

To Clarify – No More MagnaCleanse

In a well maintained system the MagnaCleanse operation should only need to be done at the time that the MagnaClean filter is installed. After that the filter takes over. That said, after a lengthy period, say ten years, you might opt to have the cleanse done again.

What Does it Cost to Fit a MagnaClean?

We are a registered installer with MagnaClean manufacturer, Adey.

If you want to make your central heating more efficient and to save on your fuel bills we would be delighted to supply you with a formal price quotation, but as a rough guide at the time of writing we charge in the region of £495 +VAT to do the following:

  • Supply and fit the MagnaClean filter
  • Flush your central heating system using the MagnaCleanse equipment.
  • Supply and use the chemicals needed for the flushing
  • Train you in the simple procedure of cleaning the MagnaClean filter

Note: We are based in Luton, Bedfordshire. The approximate price given, above, assumes that your central heating system can be successfully cleaned in a single day (usually we only need half a day, or less). Some premises are obviously much larger than others and some central heating systems are much older and dirtier than others. That’s why we would need to speak to you before we can offer an accurate quote.

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Manufacturer’s Video

Finally, here is brief video from the MagnaClean manufacturer to put a lot of the above into words and pictures.

[video_player type=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS80REIyaG1GWGk3RQ==[/video_player]