Plumber Wanted

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Qualified Plumber Wanted

 Luton and surrounding counties


Anybody know of a plumber who needs work up until Christmas time – perhaps even leading to full-time employment?

We are looking for a qualified person, ideally with tiling or, even better, Gas Safe trained as well.

Alternatively, are you a small company looking for additional work for the next few months?

We are looking for help in Luton and surrounding areas, sometimes extending out to Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

If you fit the bill, or know of anybody else who might, please contact us via our Contact page on our website here at Safesure Plumbing, so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss things. Alternatively, call us on 01582 380777 during work hours.


Tom Gallimore (managing Director)

PS Sorry we are not looking for trainees or partially qualified people at this time.[/text_block]

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